The We Lead program operates within Bourj el-Barajneh camp in Beirut, focusing on empowering and educating women and adolescents. This initiative aims to engage a target demographic of 240 women and 150 adolescents. By concentrating on essential impact areas like Civic Rights in a Digital Age, Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Climate Justice, the program leverages a series of activities designed to raise awareness about sexual reproductive health and rights. These activities serve as a platform to inform participants about critical issues, including sexual harassment, rape, and contraceptive methods. The program’s core mission is to empower women and adolescents with the knowledge and tools necessary for confident and informed decision-making regarding their sexual and reproductive health. By addressing and challenging stigmas and barriers, the We Lead program strives to foster a community that supports the well-being and autonomy of its participants, ensuring they have equitable access to opportunities, rights, and resources.
Partner: HIVOS